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Friday, October 29, 2010

How to Eliminate Children's Nightmares - Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy

Nightmares and bad dreams are warnings sent to our ignorant conscience by the unconscious mind that produces our dreams. They are alarms that try to prevent mental illnesses, or help us avoid making serious mistakes.
This means that your children's nightmares are not caused by their fears or by external stimuli. Their nightmares usually reflect their difficulty on accepting the changes in their body brought on by maturity because they are being influenced by negative components of their personality.
In order to clearly understand the meaning of your children's nightmares you have to relate what is happening to their lives to the meaning of the dream symbols contained in their dreams.
You will understand all their psychological problems when you'll analyze the meaning of their dreams. You'll be able to diagnose potential mental illnesses that are threatening their future, and help them prevent depression and neurosis. Other times you'll understand that they are not accepting reality, especially if you are getting divorced or something as bad as their parents' separation is worrying them.
The unconscious mind that sends warnings to all dreamers in the form of nightmares, also sends children dreams that work like psychotherapy.
Thanks to the scientific method of dream interpretation which precisely interprets the meaning of all dreams, you have today very clear explanations on how to solve all your problems though dream messages. You will immediately understand the unconscious guidance by simply translating dream images into words.
Dreams provide a continual source of communication. You'll have many explanations about the causes of your nightmares in your followup dreams. Your children will have the same opportunity to understand their nightmares with subsequent dream followups as well.
You should tell your children to pay attention to their dreams and write them down as soon as they awake. If your children are little, you have to write down their dreams for them.
Once you learn the dream language you have a direct communication with the unconscious mind. You'll not only easily understand the meaning of your children's dreams; you'll have information about their mental health in your own dreams. Therefore, facilitating a better understanding of their psyche.
The unconscious mind is our natural doctor. Its main function is to protect your mental health from the attacks of the anti-conscience, the wild side of our conscience, which is violent, and keeps trying to dominate our behavior.
The anti-conscience is gradually eliminated as we acquire more consciousness through dream therapy. The violent and absurd reactions of our wild side are transformed into balanced behavior thanks to the unconscious guidance.
By translating the meaning of their dreams and following the unconscious guidance, your children will completely eliminate their wild conscience while they are still young, and this way avoid all mental illnesses and mental disorders that could ruin their adult lives.
Consequently, they won't need to be alarmed by nightmares and bad dreams. Instead, they will have pleasant dreams that will enlighten them, helping them completely develop their intelligence and the positive components of their personality.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Sponias

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